Engraving Options and Ideas
Personalise your pieces by engraving names, dates or a special message. There are lots of different options - you decide.
- We offer both a laser and a hand engraving service. To make it easier for you to decide which option you prefer, we have included some photo's which show you the difference between the two.
- We have also included some pictures of engraved cufflink and charm faces to give you some engraving text ideas.
Laser vs Hand Engraving
Laser engraved cufflinks
- Laser engraving is very even and uniform as it is done by a laser machine. It is similar to a word documet text.
- It is lighter in depth (in terms of the metal cut out) compared to hand engraving.
- The engraving looks black against the silver.
Hand engraved cufflinks
- Hand engraving has a freehand script feel to it.
- The font is slightly uneven and not 100% uniform as it is done by hand.
- Hand engraving is deeper than laser as it is etched into the metal.
- The engraving is the same colour as the silver.
Engraving text suggestions
Cufflink engraving suggestions
Make up your own combination of cufflinks and decide on names, dates or a special message. Think about whether you would like your text to have Capitals, be in UPPER or lower case, dates in number format (23.10.2014) or written out (23 October 2014)? See our faces below for some options...
Charm engraving suggestions
Choose your charm/s and decide on names, dates or a special message. Think about whether you would like your text to have Capitals, be in UPPER or lower case, dates in number format (23.10.2014) or written out (23 October 2014)? See our faces below for some options...